Monday, February 24, 2014

Okay, so today we covered several topics. Most of the time splitting into groups and discussing these subjects amongst ourselves. The first being Effective Pedagogy (which I found out means the study of children). From there each group was given a separate topic that stemmed of that main one. We then had to create a picture/drawing/motto/whatever to help us remember it (thats really a guess). Ours was "Teaching as Inquiry."

So basically what this is, is the teacher constantly inquiring into proven strategies to help with her teaching and changing them if need be. Also when a student has competed a certain thing, the teacher should inquire and/or gather information from reliable sources on what her child's next learning step should be.
Our team basically created a simple flowchart with simple drawings to explain this.
The other groups completed topics such as, creating a supportive learning environment, encouraging reflective thought and action, making connections to prior knowledge etc.

Anyways, I'm so exhausted so thats all I'm not bothered writing.
so yeh, cya:)

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

My first entry:

Yay, blogger finally decided to work for me, none of this 'page invalid' nonsense!
OK, so today I was late (sat my restricted and passed!!) so I didn't quite catch the morning session but this afternoon we all drove to a local school and learnt the basics behind a PE lesson.

To be honest I don't remember much due to the most unbearable combination, hot sunny weather and EXERCISE!! Yuk.

Anyways, despite this I did learn a few things. For example always come prepared for a PE lesson, write it down on paper and bring it with you etc. But not only that, be prepared by planning alternatives for children who may be less capable. And I don't mean alternative games or separating them from the group, I just mean have ways to make it more doable for them. Easier moves for the less flexible, a way to participate for those who have difficulty walking or running etc.
The other thing is, you have to set boundaries for children so they know what they can and can't do. This helps to  keep the classroom under control particularly outside where it is difficult to hear. A good idea to help with this is to explain instructions and rules inside the classroom prior to going outside.

Yep, so that's about it for now, until next time :)

(this is fun!! and actually helps to remember stuff)